Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coming Soon! (Proximamente)

Easter is coming, but we are gonna get down Salvadorean style! ;) A veggie friend of my requested a barley salad, and I want to learn how to do Bento. (According to wikipedia  is a meal common in Japanese  cuisine, made to take away from home to be eaten somewhere else.)  But in the end I will cook what I'm the mood for. But things seem to be going towards what I have previously mentioned. See a Bento  picture.
Ya viene Semana Santa pero  vamos cocinar al estilo "Jalvadoreño voj"! ;) Una amiga mia pidio la receta para una enslada de barley (grano) y tambien tengo la inquietud de aprender hacer un Bento. (para los descamisados segun la wikipedia es una ración de comida sencilla preparada para llevar, bastante común en la cocina japonesa. A fin de cuentas voy a cocinar lo que se me apetesca pero por ahi va la cosa de lo antes mencionado. Les inclui una pic del bento.


  1. Good job maMISHUla.


    I'm going to steal your recipes to post 'em at Libre Opinion, by the way there is now a sub-forum just for cooking.

    Don't tell me you don't know who i am.

  2. Librepanteon??????
    no comment LMAO!!!! I will only say that everything posted on La Cocinita has not been copied or borrowed from other websites... all the magic that is come is from my Cocinita!

    jo jo jo jo jo jo

  3. mierditas asi necesito aprender hacer para llevar a la oficina :)
