Wednesday, March 31, 2010





............ you can figure out the rest!


Growing up catholic in a 3rd world country there were a few things to look forward during Holy Week; going to the beach and great food. Good Friday is a day of abstinence, no meat is to be consumed. What is there to eat then? FISH!!!!! This recipe is one of my all time favorites but it's a pain to make. However, we are in Holy Week and one must suffer and repent for all our sins. ( I just want to say that I am not a practicing catholic, and I am being a little bit sarcastic here) This is my version of this great salted cod recipe. Back home this is called Rellenos de Pescado Seco.So here we go. (LA TRADUCCION VA AL FINAL)


Salted Cod Fritters in Tomato Sauce.

(Reyenos de Pescado Seco)

1 lb. Salted Cod

1 Medium Potato diced

1 Chayote (Guisquil) diced (feel free look it up in google images)

2 Cups of Home made Tomato Sauce*

3 Minced Cloves of Garlic

1 Small White Onion diced

¾ Cups of Peanut Oil

1 Tbsp. of Olive Oil

3 Eggs

1 pinch of baking powder

Soak Salted cod in cold water, switching out the water periodically and rinsing well at the end. You may do this overnight but you may want to switch out the water at least 3 times. Dry cod filets with a paper towel and cut in half if need to be.

Separate the eggs and whisk the egg whites to firm peaks.

Once you have the firm peaks add the baking powder and the yolks. Set a frying pan on medium high add the peanut oil, dip the filets in the egg meringue and fry them in the hot pan.Fry on each side for about two minutes or till golden brown. Placed the fillets on paper towels to get rid off the excess oil.

On clean sauté pan add the olive oil, garlic and onion, cook till transparent. Add the diced root veg. Sauté on medium high heat, add the tomato sauce.

Cook on medium low allow simmering for about 10 to 15 minutes till tender. Add fillets cook for another 10 minutes till the fish soaks up the sauce.

I like it served with white rice and a green salad … last night I was too lazy for a green salad and made peas instead.

* Your basic tomato sauce consist of cup of chicken stock, cilantro springs, 2 cloves of garlic, small white onion, green pepper, salt and pepper to taste, 1 tbsp of achiote (annatto) 10 roma tomatoes peeled and seeded. All ingredients place in a blender, process till smooth.

1 lb Pescado Seco

1 Papa Mediana

1 Guisquil

1 Taza de Salsa de Tomate Cacera

3 Dientes de Ajo finamente picados

1 Cebolla blanca mediana finamente picada

¾ taza de aceite de mani

1 cucharada de mesa de Aceite de Olivo

3 Huevos

Pisca de polvo para hornear.

Remojar el pescado seco, esto se puede hacer la noche antes recordando de cambiar el agua al menos unas tres veces. Al final dar una ultima enjuagada. Secar el pescado con papel toalla. Si los trozos de pescado son demasiado grandes cortar por mitad, En un recipiente separar las yemas de las claras y batirlas hasta que esten firmes. Cuando las claras esten en su punto firme añadir las yemas y el polvo de hornear. En una sarten/cacerola calentar el aceite a fuego medio/alto. El pescado se envuelve en el merengue de claras y se frie a cada lado de dos a tres minutos hasta que esten doradas. Poner los rellenos en papel toalla para extraer el exceso de aceite. En otra sarten coloque el aceite de olivo la cebolla y el ajo sofria hasta que este transparente añadale la papa y el guisquil. Añada la salsa cacera y cocine por 15 minutos a fuego medio/lento hasta que la verdura este en su punto. Coloque los rellenos sobre las verduras con la salsa cocine unos 10 minutos mas hasta que los rellenos se empapen bien de la salsa.

La salsa cacera consiste de una taza de caldo de pollo, ramas de cilantro, dos dientes de ajo, una cebolla blanca pequeña, chile (aji) verde, sal y pimienta al gusto, una cucharada de achote, 10 tomates romanos sin semilla y cascara.Coloque los ingredientes en la licuadora y triture. Listo.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coming Soon! (Proximamente)

Easter is coming, but we are gonna get down Salvadorean style! ;) A veggie friend of my requested a barley salad, and I want to learn how to do Bento. (According to wikipedia  is a meal common in Japanese  cuisine, made to take away from home to be eaten somewhere else.)  But in the end I will cook what I'm the mood for. But things seem to be going towards what I have previously mentioned. See a Bento  picture.
Ya viene Semana Santa pero  vamos cocinar al estilo "Jalvadoreño voj"! ;) Una amiga mia pidio la receta para una enslada de barley (grano) y tambien tengo la inquietud de aprender hacer un Bento. (para los descamisados segun la wikipedia es una ración de comida sencilla preparada para llevar, bastante común en la cocina japonesa. A fin de cuentas voy a cocinar lo que se me apetesca pero por ahi va la cosa de lo antes mencionado. Les inclui una pic del bento.

Last Christmas Eve I was invited to a Christmas Party by one of my co-workers. One of the many treats served at this party was Cheese Flan and good Ole’ Flan. But the Cheese Flan rocked!!!!!!
So here is may attempt at Cheese Flan. (I hope that down the line I will find a healthier version of this recipe)

1 can of evaporated milk
1 can of condensed milk
1 tbs. of vanilla essence
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
½ pkg. of cream cheese
1 tbs. of corn starch

6 Ramekins
Tin pan

Melt sugar in a pan on medium high heat. Try not get the pan too hot or the sugar will burn. You are looking to get amber like color syrup, however the darker the caramel get, it will have a burnt take to it. And melt the sugar in batches don’t dump the entire cup of sugar in the pan at once.  Once you have melted the sugar and turned it into caramel pour it into your ramekins.  Let it cool till it hardens. Make sure is not soft but completely hard. 

In a blender, mix all the remaining ingredients.   Then pour the mixture into the ramekins once the caramel has hardened. Pre-heat your oven at 350°. Do a water bath with you tin pan, or if you want a more fancy term do a “bain-marie”. Make sure that the water level in the pan does not go over ¾ over the ramekins. You want to avoid any moisture getting into the ramekins. The water will prevent the flan from setting. Some may recommend covering each mold with tin foil to void any water contact and to keep the steam inside the mold. Bake the mold for exactly an hour. If you use a larger mold it may take about an hour and half.  To make sure the flan is ready insert a tooth picks till it comes out clean.

It came out a little crazy... but I took a bite before I realized I had not taken a pic of the final product! Sorry.

٭This recipe was given to me by friend Barbie Roman. I have also adjusted a little bit. Also there are other variations to the flan. Pumpkin, coconut can be added instead of the cream cheese.  

Sunday, March 21, 2010

La Cocinita it not up in running yet but it will be pretty soon!!!!!!